Monday 22 June 2009

I have decided I will put the date and time in my posts because of the American time that I can't figure out how to change, so...
10.38am 22/6/2009
I am listening to The Band Of Horses.
In my last blog I said I would tell you about Thursday night, I didn’t end up going out in the end. I saw my friend Lester play live at The Hat Factory and then went home, it was a pretty good gig, it was his last gig before moving to Cambridge.
Talking of Lester and moving to Cambridge, it was his leaving party on Friday. Was such a good night. Because he has friends that aren’t 18 he decided to have it somewhere that everybody could go, so we went to ‘Killer Hill’. It was going fine for about an hour, then a load of uninvited people turned up, these guys were alright though, they were just standing around having a few drinks, then some more uninvited people turned up, these not so nice, it was the same people that broke Reg’s jaw and mugged everyone else. Bad times. We decided that we were horribly outnumbered and left. I was kind of glad we left though, it was already freezing and the sun hadn’t even set yet.
We ended up in the woods with a massive fire; it was such a good idea moving there. The atmosphere in the woods was so chilled out, there were people playing music on acoustic guitars and everyone was having a good time.
Just before I left it was starting to get pretty messy, people were passing out, bollocks getting put in people’s faces and others almost falling in the fire. Was quite hilarious to watch. I was pretty gutted about leaving so early but I had work at 8.30 the next morning.
As we were walking home we bumped into Kyle (a.k.a. Hellrocker) and he was getting a taxi to town so that made our journey home so much faster and easier.
Work on Saturday was a bit lame, I was so tired, I ended up getting about 3 hours sleep in total and I was still pretty drunk on my way to work, bad times.
After work I took Jade out for a meal, we went to Pizza Express, it was quite nice. After we went home and had a bit of an early night.

Yesterday I went skating for the first time in a while. It was really good; I went to Harpenden with Gorey and Watko.
There was the most hilarious, joke of a photoshoot happening at the skatepark. There was this one kid sitting around while these two middle aged men were taking photos with flashes, reflectors and all sorts when it was fucking sunny, it was ridiculous. They did have really nice cameras and lenses though, so I was a little bit jealous.

My parents have gone away to Spain until Friday and me and Jade have been asked to look after the house and the dog until they are home. It should be good, our plans for today involve, shopping for food, walking the dog and chilling out. But I have to wait until Jade gets home from work, which won’t be til about 1pm that feels like ages away.
Wow, quite a long one this time, maybe I wont leave so much time between posts haha, toodles xx

Thursday 18 June 2009


I am so bored, everyone else is at college or in exams, but I'm stuck at home waiting til 6pm for work.
I would be at college but I got kicked out yesterday, so I have a lot of free time until I get a full time job.
I am currently listening to my iTunes playlist on shuffle and Belle & Sebastian just came on, good times.
I can't stop thinking about my options for the future, at the moment my plan is to get some full time work to get enough money for a new video camera so I can start making a portfolio for university, I am so scared that I don't have enough qualifications though.
But hopefully everything will work out as planned.

On a lighter note,
my weekend should be pretty good, it's pay day tomorrow and my friend is having a bit of a leaving party, which should be good.
On Saturday me and my girlfriend will have been going out for 11 months (which we thought was our year until some disappointing recalculations) so I will be taking her out for a meal and probably hitting the town after.
Oh man, complete change of tone CSS- Let's Make Love.
Any way, I think that's enough for today, probably post something hilarious tomorrow if I end up going out for Smylie's birthday
Bye x

First Blog ever

I have always wanted to create a blog, I feel they help to remember good times and I like the idea of having it really public so anybody can read it.
I have never had time to create one, but now is the best time.
I' going to let you know a bit about me.
My name is Ben Antony Ellis, but everybody calls me Benny.
My main passions are film, photography and skateboarding.
Over the coming weeks/months/years (or however long this keeps me interested) I will be writing about the key things that happen in my life and most probably the insignificant things like the weather or what I'm listening to, I hope you enjoy reading my future blogs xx