Friday 18 September 2009

Last night I got destroyed by a car door whilst riding my bike which means I am now in quite a lot of pain, which is lame. But there is good news, I got tickets to go and see Modest Mouse with support by Frightened Rabbit, gonna be so rad.
More bad news: took my photos down to the studio on Wednesday to find the studio closed so I left a message on the answerphone and haven't had any replies yet. Not cool.
Oh but more good news! My sister is very likely to be moving out within the next month, which means I will no longer have to share a room with my brother. Good times

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Last week a nice man at a photography studio gave me some free studio time and said that if i get good pictures he will give me a job as a full time photographer. After an hour and a half of shooting photographs and a day of editing the final pictures are on">Flickr

Monday 10 August 2009

No posts?!

Haven't really been doing much digital photography lately, been focusing on taking photos on my old Praktica camera, and currently have no money to get photos developed. They will be here soon. In the meantime I will do some shameless promotion:
Enjoy x

Thursday 23 July 2009


I was afraid the text on my last post would do that, oh well.
I'm actually amazed at how good quality the photos come out, click on one and it goes massive, very impressed.

Here's some 'unseen' photography that I took a couple of weeks ago when the weather was actually nice. As always, let me know what you think, I hope you like it.


Other computer without internet access is taking ages to transfer pictures to my memory stick. I'll get the photos up asap. Estimated time currently at 34 minutes. Long.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

First photo upload

I can't remember the shutter speed of this one. The apaerture was most likely to be at f2.
The photo was taken with my Helios 58mm.

At the time the photograph was taken the rain had just stopped and there was a beautiful sunset to the left of me and a dark rain filled sky to the right, which made some interesting shades for the photo. It looks quite heavily edited but there has been nothing done to it at all. The closest thing to editing which has been done it the process from a .CR2 RAW file to a .jpeg.

Hope you enjoyed the first post of many to come.